Monday, February 22, 2010


Just got back from Budapest for the weekend. It was so, so beautiful. It certainly deserves the title of being the Paris of eastern Europe.  I have a newfound love for cobblestone streets, misty rain, and Hungarians in general.

The mist, the Danube, and Buda

Other Budapest-y stuff I enjoyed:

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Six Girls and a Bathroom

When I first arrived, I had a bit of a breakdown. Several months prior, we had been given the impression that we would be moving into brand new, fantastic dorms. So you can imagine my brief bout of panic when I walked in to found that, a. the door opened against my bed, b. my desk was broken and was threatening to collapse at any second, and c. my bedside cupboard was also broken.

I've since moved my bed, had my desk fixed, and have come to find my broken cupboard saga enduring. I've named her Gimpy. The dorms are indeed quite nice.


Hello! It's already been two weeks in Prague. The pace of living here is fast and non-stop. It seems there is always something going on, and if you get lazy, you will miss something amazing. Case in point; yesterday was Fat Tuesday, and the City of Prague had an event called Candelion happening in the city centre. Fireworks, performers and masked attendees were featured. I missed it! I heard about it on the tram ride home, and by the time we got back downtown, it was over. That said, I still found myself in possibly the most beautiful historical square in the world:


Not too shabby.