Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Six Girls and a Bathroom

When I first arrived, I had a bit of a breakdown. Several months prior, we had been given the impression that we would be moving into brand new, fantastic dorms. So you can imagine my brief bout of panic when I walked in to found that, a. the door opened against my bed, b. my desk was broken and was threatening to collapse at any second, and c. my bedside cupboard was also broken.

I've since moved my bed, had my desk fixed, and have come to find my broken cupboard saga enduring. I've named her Gimpy. The dorms are indeed quite nice.

My roommate is also a student at the U of C, and my flatmates are girls from Kansas, Colorado, Austria and France. We all get along very well, and have similar waking hours.We had the good fortune of being assigned a flat with a fully stocked kitchen. Students from last semester apparently went en masse to Martina (from Austria, this is her second semester), and given her all their leftover supplies. So we have four bottles of laundry detergent, mounds of pasta noodles, and every spice or spread you can imagine.  There's also a wide selection of cups that look suspiciously like they've been stolen from the student pub next door.

Lastly, our shower is amazing. It has jets from all angles.

However, you can imagine the drainage issues that arise about every seven days when six girls with medium to long hair are all using the same shower.


  1. You're rooming w/ Martina?!?! " MORE CREATIVE NAME TO BE CREATED SHORTLY. CURRENTLY TOO HUNGOVER TO BE WITTY," LOL, LOVE it. Also, Martina might warn you, but ALWAYS buy a drink as a chaser for shots of absinthe.

  2. Oh god that bedroom looks so cramped! I would not be able to stand it! I love how neatly arranged everything is in that photograph though. Especially the pencil on top of the notebook.
