Monday, February 22, 2010


Just got back from Budapest for the weekend. It was so, so beautiful. It certainly deserves the title of being the Paris of eastern Europe.  I have a newfound love for cobblestone streets, misty rain, and Hungarians in general.

The mist, the Danube, and Buda

Other Budapest-y stuff I enjoyed:

1. Lángos!

Budapest street food. A piece of dough, lathered in sour cream and doused in cheese. So good. So many amazing things can be made with a deep fryer. We grabbed these after finishing at the Ballet and before going to the pub.

2. La Bayadere

Saw this ballet for $2 CAD. I would definitely recommend seeing a Hungarian ballet. The sets and costumes were so decadent- I could tell that no expense was spared. The building itself is also amazing:

I have never been so interested during a ballet. The plot had a love triangle, a conspiracy, a poison snake, and opium involved.

3. Szimpla

A bar (not club!) built between two unused houses in Pest. Half indoors and half outdoors, it seemed like this place rose from the ground. It seemed like they really liked projection art in Budapest, and every bar we went to had a a projector featuring various kinds of modern art.

There's more, will add to post later!

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